Friday, March 20, 2009

Make Up is Not Cheap!

Which is why when the house gets really quiet and no one knows where Eliza is I start to panic. I have lost quiet a bit of make-up by it being dumped out by little hands. You would think I would learn quicker and put my make up high. I blame it on the fact that I am not a morning person, therefore not awake enough to remember to do this. Eliza has really found a new love of make up, especially lip gloss, which she likes to call lips, "I need some lips, please" she will say. I have walked in on her several times with the reddest checks and the biggest clowns lips. She doesn't do much with the eyes yet, she likes to put everything and every color on her lips. The other day I was heading to the store. As I was heading out the door Eliza came running saying "I come, I come" not as a question but a statement. I felt so bad because she wasn't feeling well, so I knew her coming was out of the question. I told her I would bring her home a treat. While at the store I thought what better treat than her on lips (a lite color of course) She was pretty excited. Here is a picture of her handy work!!! I think she used the whole tub in one sitting!

What a Doll Baby!


Denise said...

Beautiful!! We have the play make up to save them from getting to mine. Someone needs to come up with better "play makeup" I have a hard time getting it off my kid's faces and the carpet! I now get the cheap $1 make up at time mom is at wal-mart have her pick up a few for the kids :) hahaha!

Stacy Alexandra said...

I know, when I first went to look for the lip stick, I tried to find the fake plastic kind they had when we were little. Maybe kids are too smart these days and know it's fake, but I think Eliza would have been fine with it.

Rachel said...

Oh they start young, huh??! Cute girl. My kids love make-up. I say "kids" because Collin loves it too. sigh.

Jen said...

What a cutie! She and I have the same skill level when it comes to putting on "lips". You're such a good aunt! That was a good treat!

Kathryn & James said...

She is to cute. How fun is it that you guys get to see her, and Bobby now, all the time. Nieces and Nephews and to much fun!