Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I'm So Excited!!!!!

I upped my mileage and ran three miles yesterday!!! Yea for me!! I can usually only get to two miles and then my body dies out. Today I really pushed myself to keep going, I thought I was going to die, but it felt so good when I got to the three mile mark. Now granted it was on a treadmill, which is not as hard as huffing it outside. But maybe by the time Spring gets here, and decides to stay, I will be able to run outside without embarrassing myself!

I later paid for it when my asthma flared up, at six in the morning, but I kind of knew that was coming - darn asthma!! I used to love running and really want to get back to that place in my life. I know by pushing myself little by little I will get there. Just wish my sister Denise was closer, then I would have a running buddy.

Janel is really into spinning (indoor cycling) and tried really hard to talk me into it. I went a few times but my asthma kicked in from the start. That's strange that cycling would trigger my asthma quicker than running. Also by butt hurt so bad!!! Later we were talking (laughing really) about how long it took for your butt to stop hurting. I concluded that mine stopped hurting when I stopped going - worked for me!! It's a hard sport, but it burns a lot of calories, which is why Janel always looks so darn good!!!


Jillian said...

Way to go! I kind of want to give running a try, but I think you would kick my butt. I'm not supposed to start exercising again just yet (not that I want to!), but in a few more weeks maybe I'll give it a try. Jogging, that is, not running. Cycling was a pain in my butt too. :)

Stacy Alexandra said...

Ya, when I say running I really mean jogging sometimes it may even look like speed walking! You can join me and Janel in the race to see who can lose the most weight. Pretty sad that I have the same amount to lose as the two of you, and no baby to show for it. Janel is going to take one week off and then start exercising again so we have a little bit of a head start!!! About 3 weeks. Although I don't know how good that will be she is so fit now.

Jen said...

That is awesome! Stupid to say, but I remember the day I ran 3 miles. I was pretty excited. And I think that running on the treadmill is WAY harder than running outside. I've never tried spinning. Looks too hard. Now I know not to try for sure! Good job! (It's all because of the new shoes!)

Rachel said...

Good for you! Ya, I'm kind of a walk/runner. I'm no good at jogging cause it's too slow, but I can't keep up the speed for long. I love the treadmill because it tells me exactly how fast I'm running, how far I've run, and how many calories I've burned.. keeps me motivated to keep running. All of you girls look really good!! Good luck with the weight loss race.. it's so much more fun to do it with your sisters!!!

Stacy Alexandra said...

It's the new shoes for sure!!!! - love them. And watching the calories on the treadmill really does help - what doesn't help is the box of junior mints I down right after - I have no will power!!!

Denise said...

Way to go!!! I wish I lived closer as well. I think the treadmill is way harder than outside as well. It really helps to have a running partner to distract you. Hope you and Jillian start running together soon. I also think new shoes and workout clothes really help too, I know silly!

I was laughing at your statement of "sometimes it may even look like I'm speed walking". A while back, when I could run, I was jogging pretty slow and an old guy (like 80's) speed walked right by me!!!! I love to jog real slow and for a longer distance :)

Good luck, you look great!